Rockshield Engineered Wood Products operates a plywood overlay mill in Cochrane, Ontario, the heart of renewable conifer and Aspen forests. The majority of panels are hardwood plywood to which Rockshield adds a hardwood veneer such as oak, cherry, maple, birch, etc., as an overlay to produce ready-to-use panels.


Rockshield provides high-end, customer-focused business. Given the smaller nature of its operation, the mill is highly flexible and focuses on specific customer needs and orders. Here’s a sample of what we can provide…


If you're looking for quality wood for your finished product, Rockshield has what you're looking for...

Superior Quality

Rockshield provides premium quality engineered plywood for almost any end use you can think of.


From plantation to distribution, we believe in producing and delivering a true Canadian product.

Proudly Canadian

All our wood products are grown, produced and packaged by Canadian talent. And we wouldn’t have it any other way – it’s part of who we are as a company.


We understand the importance of Canada's forests and are doing something about it.

Renewable source of wood

Rockshield strives to lessen its impact on the environment by meeting and where possible exceeding federal, provincial and municipal environmental guidelines.


We are always looking for new ways to improve our process, our technology and our products.

Always improving...

As a market leader in the industry, Rockshield is invested in developing new and better ways to create superior wood products for our clients.
Possible uses
Rockshield is hiring